Friday 7 February 2014

A letter to Hayley

Dearest, darling Hayley,


Mommy is so proud of you!  You are becoming such an independent little girl.  You are so brave, patient and kind hearted.  I love spending time with you and can’t wait to get home at night to see you waiting at the window for when I get home from work.  It is the highlight of everyday and makes the working hours and traffic worth seeing that little face in the window.


We recently discovered that you will soon be getting a little brother.  I can’t wait, I know you don’t understand what is about to happen in your life, but mommy promises that it will be so worth it.  You will enjoy having a little brother and you will be friends for life.  So many people come and go over the years but the one person you can know for sure will always be there is your sibling.  I am glad, and honoured that I am able to give you this great gift.  You make my heart melt at night when you pray and thank God for ‘boetie’.


I want you to always remember that you are my first born; no one can take that away from you.  You will always be my baby girl, my princess and the only person I can share girly things with.  I look forward to many days of doing each other’s nails, make up, hair and going shopping together.  Things that only girls understand.  At the same time I am excited that you are getting a brother that you will be able to share things with, like going bug hunting and playing with his cars and maybe even camping in a tent in the living room.


You are such a bright little girl.  I am so proud of you, you are good and even days when you are not you always come to apologise and I can see how sincere you are.  You have your dad’s sense of humour, and that is something that the two of you will always share.

You are one of the best things that I have in life and I treasure every moment with you.


I can’t believe you’re almost turning 3!


Please always remember that I am your mother, I will always be there for you, you will always be the love of my life, my princess, and I am very proud of you.  I love you more and more with each passing second and nothing will ever take this away from you.


Always be the special little girl that you are, grow up to live close to Jesus and remember we are there to look out for you and to protect you.


Loving you with my entire heart and soul.




Your mommy



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