Thursday 17 January 2013

My baby is growing up

The last week has been very excited and also bitter sweet.  Our baby is growing up.

At times I feel excited and overwhelmed for the journey ahead of us and at times I feel sad.  I think back to the days where Hayley was a new born and I Google'd for ideas on how to entertain her, as she could not even hold a soft toy or keep her head up.

In the last week my baby moved to the Potty Training class, she has gone a week without her night time bottle, wakes up with a dry nappy every morning and is starting to speak in a way that she can mostly tell us what she wants and whats bugging.

The school says she's doing really well with the potty training.  She sits on the potty and does her business.  No number 2 yet, but at least she has the idea.  I've been struggling at home, she sits on the potty for long periods just to get up and do her business on the floor.  At least she clearly knows how to hold it in.  I've started to think that she's not ready, but she is showing all the signs 'the books' talk about.  Asking to take her nappy off and telling you when she wants to go to the bathroom...

I've printed a rewards chart, taken out the stickers and practiced my 'potty dance' and nothing.  Then this morning she woke up, looked all anxious and told me she wants to go to the toilet, even although she had a nappy on.  I ran, put her on the potty and she actually had her first wee at home.  I was so excited, did my 'potty dance', got her to choose her sticker for her chart, gave her another to put on her hand to brag at school and gave her a Smartie for breakfast.  I'm one proud mother.

I also officially packed away all her bottles this morning.

Sweetheart, how bitter sweet, you are becoming a big girl now!

Now... only to sort out all the sleep issues.





  1. Hehehe, ek het ook 'n "potty dance" wat ek doen, wie sou ooit dink dat mens so opgewonde kan raak oor toilet gewoontes! ;-)
    Goeie idee - reward chart, ek moet dalk ook bietjie kyk na so ietsie.
    Ai jinne, hierdie kids word te gou groot!!!

  2. Heeltemal te vinnig

    Kyk bietjie op ek het my reward chart van daar af geprint
