Wednesday 12 February 2014

19 Week preggy update

Almost halfway!  Can’t believe it!
1. How far along are you now? 19 Weeks
2. When is your due date? 8 July 2014
3. What has been your preggy high this week? Feeling strong movement for the past week
4. What has been your preggy low this week? Nothing, feeling really good at the moment
5. What is your current over-riding emotion? Excitement
6. What is on your list of things to do in the next month re prep for baby? Starting with preparations for the baby’s room
7. When is your next appointment? 24 February 2014
8. What is your current craving? Nothing
9. How are you feeling physically? Feeling really awesome
10. How are you feeling emotionally? Really excited, sometimes anxious for having a second child, but I know it will all work out in the end
11. How is your partner dealing with the pregnancy at this stage? Really great, he does so much in and around the house to try and help me feel better and comfortable. I am so grateful that he is in my life. He is really super excited at the moment.
12. Do you know the sex of your baby yet? Yes, a boy, Logan
13. Will you be trying for Natural or Caesar? Caesar although VBAC has been playing on my mind at times.
14. Which hospital will you be having your baby at? Krugersdorp Netcare
15. How are you feeling about the pregnancy at this point? Loving it! Love feeling movements, it’s such a special time and I am trying to treasure every moment of it.
16. What is your tummy measurement? Don’t know
17. How much does your baby weigh at the moment? (Or at last scan). 240 gr and 15 cm according to my weekly email update
18. How much weight have you gained to date? 4 - 5 kg
19. What is your nursery room theme? Painting the room blue, thinking of the air balloon theme and having red and blue in the room
20. What is the best preggy advice you have been given? Listen to your body and rest when possible

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